Sustainable Cities
ERCIM News N° 138
Sustainable Cities
Next issue: October 2024 - Special: Software Security (call for contributions)


Connected Excellence in Research

ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM.

Latest News

  • FMICS 2024 - 29th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems - Call for Participation

    Co-located with Formal Methods (FM) 2024 in Milan, 9-11 September 2024

    The Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS) conference series offers a platform for researchers and practitioners focused on the development and application of formal methods in industry. FMICS brngs together scientists and engineers to share their experiences in industrial applications of formal methods. Additionally, the conference promotes research and development to enhance formal methods and tools for industrial use.

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  • Forum Beyond Compliance 2024: Research Ethics in the Digital Age

    Digital Ethics in Research

    Budapest, 14-15 October 2024

    For the third edition of the Forum, co-organized by ERCIM, SZTAKI, and the CCNE-numérique, the program will consist of invited presentations, invited contributions to round tables, a tutorial session, and selected contributions based on the answers to this call. The program will be structured into six topical sessions focusing on ethical issues in digital research about Cultural Influences, Democracy, Regulation Making, Cooperative Agents, Digital Health, and Emerging Topics; and two sessions for a Tutorial and Selected Contributions. We invite the community to propose contributions in the form of short presentations. These can include case study reports, novel developments from research projects, policy recommendations, or proposals and hypotheses put forward for discussion.

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Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics

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  • Date format yyyy-mm-dd