WAI-ACT: Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - Cooperation Framework for Guidance on Advanced Technologies, Evaluation Methodologies, and Research Agenda Setting to Support eAccessibility

WAI-ACT, a Cooperation Framework for Guidance on Advanced Technologies, Evaluation Methodologies, and Research Agenda Setting to Support eAccessibility, will address critical areas of advanced accessibility support through activities that build upon the strengths of past web accessibility work, harmonise existing work, and help shape a research agenda in coordination with key stakeholders in Europe and internationally.

ERCIM's role:
Project coordinator

36 months from September 2011 to August 2014

Total cost: 1,567,718.00 €

Total EC Funding: 999,000.00 €

ERCIM (W3C), Stiching Bartimeus Accessibility, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - Institute for Applied Information Technology, Johannes Keppler University.