ERCIM White Paper on Cyber-Security and Privacy Research

The ERCIM White paper on Cyber-Security and Privacy Research describes the main research challenges on security and privacy identified by a group of experts of the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM).

This White Paper is a result of an initiative launched by ERCIM 2014 to identify the emerging of grand challenges in ICT and define the strategic research topics needed in order to achieve the highest impact results to meet those challenges. This kind of activity is in line with other similar and successful initiatives lead by ERCIM, also in cooperation with other institutions as EU. In particular, the ERCIM Board of Directors (BoD) identified two main research fields in ICT, i.e. "big data analytics" and "security and privacy". For each of them, a group of expert has been identified and asked to produce a white paper identifying the research topics to be addressed.

This document summarizes the contributions by the "security and privacy" group of experts, mainly stemming from the ERCIM Security and Trust Management WG (ERCIM STM), representing an established think-thank in the area managed by ERCIM.

The initiative is led on behalf of this WG by Pierangela Samarati, Javier Lopez and Fabio Martinelli (current chair and previous ERCIM STM WG chairs, respectively). The ERCIM STM WG members where pleased to see that security and privacy are recognized as main research topics where ERCIM can express a critical mass.

This document aims to help identifying research areas that could provide significant contributions to reduce the cyber-insecurity and where ERCIM Institutions have significant research and innovation capabilities able to drive cooperative research efforts in the field.

- ERCIM White paper on Cyber-Security and Privacy Research preliminary version in pdf
- See also: ERCIM strategic reports