W3C launches Incubator Activity

W3C provides a new approach for discovery-stage work. The W3C Incubator Activity is a new initiative which aims to foster development of emerging Web-related technologies that complements the current W3C Recommendation Track. The Incubator Activity offers the W3C Membership and the Web community a new, streamlined process for discussing and developing interesting and possibly controversial ideas that are not (or not yet) clear candidates for standardization.

“With the Incubator Activity, W3C Members and Invited Experts can now combine Web technology discovery with the outstanding technical resources of W3C and see what develops,” said Steve Bratt, W3C Chief Executive Officer. A first Incubator Group (XG) has been created within this new activity. It addresses the issue of ‘Content Labels’, the goal of which is to find a way of making any number of assertions about a resource or group of resources. In order to be trustworthy, the label containing those assertions should be testable in some way through automated means.

Incubator Activity: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/
W3C Recommendation Track: http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr