Debugging Systems for Constraint Programming

Results and Achievements
The project has defined, implemented and assessed novel and effective debugging systems for Constraint Programming:
- novel techniques of high level debugging,
- integration of these novel techniques into industrial CP platforms,
- assessment of these techniques in industrial applications.


Academic partners

- INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique), LOCO research team
- University of Bristol, Great Britain, Department of Computer Science
- Linköping University, Sweden; Department of the Computer and Information Science, Laboratory for Logic Programming
- Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Department of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science:

Industrial partners
- OM Partners, Belgium
- COSYTEC, France
- ICON s.r.l., Italy
- PrologIA, France

1 October 1996 - 3 June 1999

ERCIM's role:
associated contractor

Total budget:
2 206 000 Euro

Funding Agencies:
European Commission, Telematics Programme: 1 205 000 Euro