
Linked Open Data for environment protection in Smart Regions

SmartOpenData will create a Linked Open Data infrastructure (including software tools and data) fed by public and freely available data resources, existing sources for biodiversity and environment protection and research in rural and European protected areas and its National Parks. This will provide opportunities for SMEs to generate new innovative products and services that can lead to new businesses in the environmental, regional decision-making and policy areas among others. The value of the data will be greatly enhanced by making it available through a common query language that gives access to related datasets available in the linked open data cloud. The commonality of data structure and query language will overcome the monolingual nature of typical datasets, making them available in multiple languages.

ERCIM's role:
Project partner

24 months from November 2013 to October 2015

Total cost: 3,189,475 €

Total EC Funding:2,355,400 €

Empresa de Transformación Agraria SA (coordinator); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; National Microelectronics Applications Centre, Ireland; Sindice LTD; Mid-West Regional Authority, Ireland; Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Sicily (A.R.P.A. Sicilia); Fondazione Bruno Kessler; SpazioDati s.r.l.; Help Service Remote Sensing SRO, CZ; Forest Management Institute (UHUL), CZ; Czech Centre for Science and Society; SINTEF, Norway; Latvijas Universitates Matematikas Un Informatikas Instituts; General Directorate of the Territory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning, Portugal; Slovak Environmental Agency (SAZP); ERCIM/W3C