ERCIM News No.37 - April 1999

The Computer makes Music in Pisa

by Leonello Tarabella

The keywords characterising the activity of the Computer Music laboratory of CNUCE-CNR, Pisa, are man-machine interaction and real time gesture control. The computer interacts with the artist to produce music in many different ways. In order to achieve this, a special language called Real-Time Concurrent Pascal Music (RTCPM) has been implemented. Using this language, a musical performance can be defined in terms of many procedures running simultaneously and interacting with the composition program during execution. As an evolution of RTCPM, a new language named GALileo (Graphic/ALgorithmic) which includes both visual programming and signal processing “facilities” is now under development.

In order to create and control interactive live computer music/graphics performances, the CNUCE Computer Music lab employs infra-red beams and video captured image processing technologies for the remote sensing of moving objects handled by performers or of gestures made by them. The most important devices that have been developed using this approach are:

The Computer Music Laboratory also participated in the EC ESPRIT project CATS (Computer Aided Theatrical Score) for theatre and cinema direction simulation.

For more information, see:

Please contact:

Leonello Tarabella - CNUCE-CNR
Tel: +39 050 593 276

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